Thursday, October 2, 2008

very cool

Something Fantastic happened today.

No, not lungs, but something good just the same.

Anyway, So since we have had to relocate here we had to switch medical supply companies, and our old company in VA has asked for us to ship some of the equipment back that was on rental contract.

One of these items is Garrans Pulse Oximeter. Obviously we need this item. So I called our new company and told them that we need to get one, and how we really liked the one we had because it was the only one we could find that actually worked on Garran. We even have to take it to the hospital because it works better than the hospital equipment.

Unfortunately the current carrier can not get this specific Pulse Ox. So I decided to email the company that makes it to see how much it would cost to buy it outright. I told them whats going on and why we need it. How it is the only one that works for him etc...We really like this Pulse Ox did I mention that.

Anyway, I get a call this afternoon from them and they want to send one to Garran as a Donation. It is from their warehouse and is slightly used but just for demonstrations etc, but still WOW!!!!!!!

I can not express to you all how amazing this is. What a blessing! Right when we needed it!
So thank you to GE the company that is donating this machine. We are so very appreciative that we can not even express it!

I actually began crying when he called I was so happy.

So it is a Good Day.

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